Webinar Everything you ever wanted to know about competence development & validation in Grundtvig courses (and never dared to ask)

Attend an interesting seminar from your office or from home!
19 September 2012 at 14.00 p.m. GMT+1 (Brussels time)
Are you an adult education organization or an organization offering training for adult education professionals? Have you ever thought of setting up an international course for adult educators? Do you know the opportunities of the Grundtvig programme and the Grundtvig IST (In-service training) action in this respect? Maybe you are already organizing Gundtvig courses but you have some questions?
Please feel welcome to join our third GINCO webinar on Wednesday 19 September. In this online seminar Jaap Van Lakerveld (PLATO, Leiden University) and Guy Tilkin (Alden Biesen, GINCO coordinator) will explain about “Key competences for adult education staff” and “Validation of learning outcomes in Grundtvig courses”. This information is helpful to all those who are organizing Grundtvig courses or wish to set up in-service training courses, or to those who wish to apply for a Grundtvig project in which a course is envisaged as one of the outcomes.
During this webinar we will cover the following items:
- The results of the study “Key competences for adult education staff” (Research voor Beleid, PLATO e.a.)
- How to organize competence oriented courses
- Validation of learning outcomes in adult education
You can find relevant documentation on:
Two way communication
The webinar will consist of a web based presentation. You will see two windows on your screen: Jaap van Lakerveld and Guy Tilkin giving the presentation in live streaming and the supporting power points will be visible in a second window. The webinar tool will also allow you to ask questions. The way to do that will be explained on screen. The maximum duration of the webinar is 1,5 hours.
Location: the webinar will be broadcasted from the PLATO offices, Leiden University (NL). This webinar is a free service of the GINCO network (ginconet.eu). Shortly before 14.00 GMT+1 (check your time zone!) the URL of the presentation will be visible and accessible on the following website: http://www.socialsciences.leiden.edu/plato/
Want to join?
Confirmations or questions: please e-mail to