Thessaloniki conference 2011

Resolution on the EUROPEAN Commission’s proposal "Erasmus for all"

Resolution voted on the annual conference of the Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers in Thessaloniki.

The text was unanimously approved by the conference participants on 10 December 2011 from 70 participants.

Conference background documents

How to apply for a Grudtvig mobility grant

Steps for the applicants:

  1. Fill in your details in the registration form on the GINCO website
  2. Apply for a pre-registration form with
  3. Go to the website of your National Agency and download the grant application form for the Grundtvig mobility action Visits and Exchanges (NOT the action In-service Training )
  4. Access the Grundtvig Training Database ( ) and go to the conference description via the ref. number: BE-2011-182-001
  5. Fill in the application form using the conference details and your motivation for joining the conference
  6. Send the application form (signed) AND the pre-registration form to your National Agency BEFORE the deadline as set by your National Agency.


For any question, you can contact Myriam Swinnen (Alden Biesen).
E-mail: myriam.swinnen{at}

Program & presentations




Conference chair: Guy Tilkin, Alden Biesen (BE)

Wednesday 7 December: arrival, rooms, registration

19.30: welcome drink
20.30: dinner

Thursday 8 December:

09.15: conference start

GINCO, the network & accomplishments so far: Quality for Grundtvig courses.
Database Grundtvig courses
Mr. Guy Tilkin, Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Belgium, coordinator of the GINCO consortium.

Grundtvig IST: Professional Development of Adult Education Staff:
Mrs. Roxana Brandt, European Commission - DG for Education and Culture
Adult Education – Grundtvig

Validation of Learning Outcomes in Adult Education. State of the art in Europe:
Mrs. Helen Keogh, Advisor on the Adult Learning Action Plan 2007, Ireland

Introduction to the validation of the learning in this conference:
Mrs. Sabine Wiemann, BUPNET, Germany

10.45 : coffee break

11.15 : workshop: introduction, Jaap van Lakerveld, PLATO, The Netherlands
discussion and sharing participants' experience, agreement on terms & definitions.

12.30 : lunch

Theme: Competence Development for Adult educators.

14.00 : Key note: "Key competences for adult learning professionals":
Mr. Bert-Jan Buiskool, Research voor Beleid, The Netherlands

14.45 : coffee

15.15 : Parallel workshops:
Competence development in Grundtvig courses

17.00 : plenary reports & evaluation

Friday 9 December

Theme: Assessing learning outcomes

09.00 : programme overview

09.15 : key note: VILMA & LEVEL5: Validation of Informal Learning in Mobility Activities:
Mr. Tim Scholze, BUPNET, Germany

10.00 : coffee break

10.30 : Workshops: LEVEL 5, assessing personal and social competences in European
projects and mobility activities

12.30 : lunch

14.00 : key note: Validation of learning outcomes in Europe: challenges, experiences and tools:
Mrs. Alexandra Dehmel, CEDEFOP, Greece

14.45 : coffee break

15.15 : Workshops:

- Validpack

- Creating LEVEL 5 reference systems for the key competences for adult learning professionals

17.00 : evaluation: poster sessions

Saturday 10 December

Theme: Recognition of Learning Outcomes in Grundtvig Courses

09.00 : programme overview

09.15 : key note: Recognition of Learning Outcomes:
Mr. Radu Szekely, Vastra Nylands folkhogskola, Finland

09.45 : workshops: transfer into home organisation & Grundtvig courses

11.15 : coffee break

11.45 : plenary reports: steps to be taken.

13.00 : Lunch

14.00 : Evaluation of the conference:
Mrs. Christa Bauer, Evalitas, Austria

Closure of the conference: Mr. Guy Tilkin

15.00 : Cultural programme

20.00 : Closing dinner

Sunday : 11 December

09.00 : departure

General Info



7 – 11 December 2011

GINCO: Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers is a consortium of 21 partners funded under the Grundtvig networks action. GINCO wants to network actual and potential Grundtvig course organisers, offering a forum for cooperation and exchange of expertise and offering support for development, promotion, quality of delivery, accreditation and sustainability of Grundtvig courses. 

 “Validation of Professional Development in Grundtvig Courses" is the second international conference organized by the GINCO consortium focusing on the validation and recognition of the learning outcomes of the adult educators attending Grundtvig in-service training courses. The conference targets actual Grundtvig in-service training course organisers, all adult education organizations willing/planning to organise such courses and all stakeholders in the field: LLP National Agencies, adult education policy makers, programme developers etc. 

All themes will be explored in keynotes and workshops, relevant material will be presented, expertise will be exchanged, good practice will be highlighted. The conference will also be the ideal space for networking and creating useful contacts.

After an overview of the state of the art concerning validation of competence development in in-service training we will look at the results of a European research tender about the creation of the competences overview for educators and staff working in adult education. This key note will lead to a workshop on competence development for adult educators in Grundtvig courses: what competences do we tackle in our courses, how can we present courses in terms of competence development? In a next phase we will look at validation systems for formal and informal learning and try to transfer these models in Grundtvig courses. In a final phase of the conference we deal with certification. We will also apply the Level5 validation system on our own learning at the conference.

This conference is registered in the Grundtvig Training Database ( under the reference number:
BE-2011-182-001. Participants can apply for a grant under the Grundtvig action: Visits and Exchanges (deadline 29 April or variable deadlines, please check with your LLP National Agency). Application forms are downloadable from the website of each National Agency.

Participation is for free (participation fee = 0), accommodation and all meals: 400 Euro.

For pre-registration, please, contact Myriam Swinnen at .

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