
GINCO is a Grundtvig network run by an international consortium of 21 partners.
GINCO aims to create a European wide network of adult education organisations actually running Grundtvig courses or willing to do so in the future.

 The GRU number of the network is 503706-LLP-1-2009-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-GNW.

The aim of the network is to share expertise, to create and share useful material and to enhance communication and cooperation in order to improve the quality of Grundtvig courses, to enlarge the scope of provision and to improve the visibility and success of the action and the courses.

This website will give you more information on the activities of the network and access to all networking tools and material that will be developed in the coming years.


This network has been funded with support from the European Commission. Thiscommunication reflects the views only of the network consortium. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ginco-leaflet (in pdf format)

QUALITY and ICT for GRUNDTVIG courses, an International Conference
27 – 31 October 2010, Anemon Fuar Hotel, IZMIR, Turkey


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